The heat quantity and power generation depend upon the flow rate and temperature. The calculation is:
Q is the heat content in KCal
V is the flowrate of the substance in m3/hr
ρ is density of the flue gas in kg/m3
Cp is the specific heat of the substance in kCal/kg°Cs
T2 is the exhaust gas entering (leaving preheater) the system
T1 is the temperature leaving the system
∆T (T2-T1) is the temperature difference in °C
Cp (Specific heat of flue gas) = 0.24 kCal/kg/°C
P is the power generation in Kw
Eff % is the heat recapture efficiency.
1 kW = 861 Kcal
Flow of the gas is 300000 m3/hr with a density of 0.65 gm/cc, the inlet temperature is 250oC and outlet temperature is 150oC.
Power generation with 30% heat recaptured efficiency